Macau Chamber of Commerce

Macao Chamber of Commerce (ACM) was created in 1911 and its registration was formally approved by the Lisbon Government in 1912. In 1916, the official name “Macao Chamber of Commerce” was applied. Serving different individuals and uniting different entities in the industrial and commercial sectors in Macau is the core objective of the Chamber. Its functions are to protect the rights and interests, to promote commercial activities with other regions outside Macau and to foster social stability and economic prosperity in Macau. Over the years, the Chamber has dedicated its efforts to fight for the benefits of the industrial and commercial sectors as well as contributions to social welfare and services. It is the Chamber’s belief to support the great cause of “One Country, Two Systems”.
The Macau Chamber of Commerce offers three types of memberships: group, commercial and individual. Each membership has a permanent and regular classification. Currently, the organization has over 120 group members, more than 3,000 commercial members and more than 1,000 individual members.