2023 Q1: Welcome to the first print of this book

Welcome to the first quarterly edition of Macau CSR. We are very excited to see the first print of this book after nearly two years of development and hard work. Since launch, we have received tremendous support and our audience has grown to include several hundred influential people from various Macau organizations, government and more. We look forward to growing our audience well into the thousands over the next few quarters as the Macau CSR brand makes further strides forward.

As Macau is stepping into a new post-COVID era with a determination to diversify Macau’s economy, every core group of society – from government to concessionaires, local enterprises and associations – is placing greater emphasis on their contributions in the field of social responsibility.

In the first three months of 2023, Macau CSR was incredibly fortunate to be able to work with many different organizations and provide valuable coverage of their wonderful CSR initiatives. We also formed strategic partnerships with several non-profit and charity organizations and we look forward to continuing to partner with organizations in Macau that are seeking to make a genuine difference.

As the first truly independent media brand covering CSR and economic diversification in Macau, we are proud to continue supporting the charitable efforts of companies and organizations from all walks of life and look forward to bringing you more important stories on Macau CSR over the coming months and years.

Rita Pun, Project Director, Macau CSR


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IR partners
Strategic partners
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