Wynn Macau and Wynn Palace both named “Responsible Gambling Model Unit”

Following Wynn Palace’s qualification as a “Responsible Gambling Model Unit” in 2022, Wynn Macau also passed the “Responsible Gambling Indicator” review by the end of 2023.

The indicator is initiated by the Responsible Gambling Work Group, which includes the Macau Social Welfare Bureau, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ), the Education and Youth Development Bureau, The Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming at the University of Macau, and The Centre for Gaming and Tourism Studies of Macao Polytechnic University. In alignment with the Macau SAR Government’s Responsible Gaming (RG) policy introduced in 2009, the Work Group collaborates with various stakeholders in society to implement relevant requirements and facilities, and to promote the healthy and orderly growth of the gaming industry.

Wynn says that, with the motto of “Responsible Gaming – Know Your Limits”, it has continuously disseminated responsible gaming knowledge to the public and team members through various channels and supports the Macau SAR government’s efforts to prevent and combat gambling disorder.

In addition to its initiatives in training, promotion, self-exclusion, counselling and facility configuration to support responsible gaming, Wynn actively encourages team members to pursue further education and lifelong learning, and recognizes professional qualifications by enrolling in courses, including those focusing on RG. Team members who completed the “Macau Responsible Gambling Trainer” and “Macau Responsible Gambling Advisor” received their certificates of completion at the closing ceremony of RG Promotions 2023 in December.

Wynn also partnered with local drama association The Funny Old Tree Theatre Ensemble and launched the “Dream Paradise” Responsible Gaming Promotions Campus and Community Drama Roadshow in October and November in 2023. The roadshow showcased vivid performances and emphasized the messages of responsible gaming, smart money management, responsible play and seeking help.

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