Orbis Launches “Bright-liant by More Hugs” Red Packet Charity Sale for the Lunar New Year

As the Lunar New Year approaches, the non-profit charity organization Orbis Macau, in collaboration with renowned Hong Kong designer Ken Lo and BLOW design, has introduced a beautifully designed set of charity red packets for sale. This year’s theme, “Bright-liant by More Hugs” highlights the power of embracing each other to bridge distances, spread warmth, and bring people closer together, sharing the light of hope with those suffering from eye diseases.

The “Bright-liant by More Hugs” charity red packets, priced at MOP 100 per set, feature four unique designs, totalling 12 packets per set, with Braille blessings printed on the back. These innovative designs blend traditional cultural elements and serve to convey festive greetings to friends and family, while helping people with vision impairment experience the colorful world and feel the warmth of the holiday.

The braille greetings are uniquely embossed on the red packets, enabling both sighted and visually impaired individuals to experience the joy of the season. The proceeds from the sale, after deducting costs, will be donated in full to Orbis’ global sight-saving efforts.

These special packets, available for purchase until 8 February 2024, can be purchased directly at the Orbis Macau office, ordered online at, or by downloading, filling, and returning an order form via fax or email to Orbis.

Orbis is an international non-profit organization dedicated to medical education and committed to preventing and treating blindness globally.


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