Mr. Francis Lui, Vice Chairman of GEG; Mr. Frédéric Genta, Secretary for Attractiveness, Development and Digital Transformation, Principality of Monaco; H.E. Madame Marie-Pascale Boisson, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the PRC; and Mr. Troy Hickox, GEG Representative on the Board of Monte Carlo SBM (from left to right), took a photo at GEG’s integrated resort.

GEG welcomes Monaco’s visit to Macau in April

  • The meetings fully demonstrated GEG’s active role in leveraging its bridging advantage and efforts to promote communication and cooperation between Macau and Monaco in culture and other related areas for their mutual benefit.
  • GEG made a strategic investment in Monte-Carlo SBM in July 2015.

GEG welcomed Her Excellency Ms Marie-Pascale Boisson, Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco, to the People’s Republic of China, along with Mr Frédéric Genta, Secretary for Attractiveness, Development and Digital Transformation, Principality of Monaco, for their visit to Macau in April.

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Monaco next year, Ms Boisson, accompanied by Mr Genta, made Macau the first stop of her visit to China. Ms Boisson respectively visited Mr Liu Xianfa, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macau SAR, and Mr André Cheong Weng Chon, Secretary for Administration and Justice of the Macau SAR Government, to discuss further cooperation opportunities between Macau and Monaco in the Greater Bay Area.

The discussions also included sharing best practices between the two locales, yielding in-depth conversations on such unifying topics as gastronomy, culture and sports events to be held in 2025.

Meanwhile, Mr Francis Lui, Vice Chairman of GEG; Mr Troy Hickox, GEG’s representative on the board of Monte Carlo SBM; and Mr Buddy Lam, Executive Vice President of GEG, also participated in the meetings which fully demonstrated GEG’s active role in leveraging its bridging advantage and efforts to promote communication and cooperation between Macau and Monaco in culture and other related areas for their mutual benefit.

In July 2015, GEG made a strategic investment in Société Anonyme des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Étrangers à Monaco (Monte-Carlo SBM), becoming one of the largest corporate shareholders of the renowned owner and operator of iconic luxury hotels and resorts in the Principality of Monaco, as well as its sole Asian shareholder and the only shareholder based outside Europe.

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